About MIKIA Association
“MIKIA,” derived from an Indigenous Maasai name meaning “don’t take me away,” symbolizes our commitment to safeguarding Indigenous knowledge, akin to protecting cultural libraries at risk of disappearance.
To operationalize Traditional Indigenous Knowledge within and across landscapes to promote co-existence with nature, conserve biodiversity, preserve culture, and regenerate knowledge systems.
Documentation, Preservation, and Regeneration of ITK:
Document and preserve ITK while promoting indigenous communities in preserving their knowledge systems.
Regenerate ITK through community-led initiatives and partnerships.
Development of Accessible Tools for ITK Preservation:
Develop user-friendly tools and platforms for ITK preservation and integration with scientific knowledge for conservation purposes.
Establishment of Community Learning Centers:
Establish community learning centers for ITK preservation, regeneration, and promotion of indigenous giving and sharing practices.
Bridge the gap between ITK and scientific knowledge for nature conservation through community-led initiatives.
Facilitation of Practical Interactions between Generations:
Facilitate knowledge transfer from elders to children and from community monitors (mostly youth) to children through practical interactions and mentorship programs.
Target Audience:
MIKIA Association targets indigenous peoples within their spaces of existence, prioritizing ITK documentation, preservation, and knowledge transfer with ownership and consent from indigenous peoples and project stakeholders.